Part 32: 18-2: The Center Cannot Hold

Hakon grunts, coming down from his battle cry.

Fasolt leaves in a violent mood, yelling obscenities.

Every last varl leaves the caravan. Most to help Hakon with the barrel plan. Some have disaffected along with Fasolt. I don't know what the breakdown is, or if Fasolt will be back. I suspect not.

We start trying to repair the walls and prepare our counterattack.

Aleo is spot-on that it could have been worse. If you camp your caravan near the gates (we delegated the decision of where to camp to Oddleif), hundreds of them die when the walls fall.

Our first event. Apparently it's an unavoidable fight.

No varl in this fight. They're all busy. And, uh...where's Ludin? And Nid?
Surely they didn't die offscreen when the wall came down?

Nothing to be done for it, in any case.

This is not a hard battle, but it's also one that's not even remotely fair. That 13 strength slinger in front? He gets to go first.

And now Yrsa has 1 strength left. Which she doesn't need to be effective, but it's some shit that you can immediately get maimed before you even have a chance to move.

Alette's overwatch guarantees her a SHOT, but not a HIT, on any enemy that moves in her bow range. If something is sufficiently heavily-armored, her shot can be deflected. In most cases, her Lucky Shot talent gets around it. But here we have some bad luck and the direguard shielder comes in to mess Alette up. I no longer have a meaningful Overwatch.

It's fine. Yrsa takes an injury and we leave Alette on the back line using Mend. All kills are fed to Tryggvi so he can hit 10 if we're so inclined.

Other men fill in the gaps where you've moved on. Holding the dredge at bay is easier work than pushing them back. More trouble further down the wall beckons, and there is no time to rest.

Literally no time to rest. We'll have to either do without Yrsa, or bring her to combat -2 strength. Which honestly isn't so bad for her.

"How can we help?" Oddleif shouts up to one standing on rubble, trying to wrestle away a sheared log. He speaks softly, but makes it clear that they need replacement wood and stone to patch the damage.

You all voted to let our bannermen handle problems, and you also recommended listening to Petrus. That makes this an easy choice.

We lose 20 clansmen, but hopefully it'll save > 20 lives.

Literally we can't save the city. There are too many problems and not enough solutions.

You plead and threaten those heading toward the docks, asserting there's nothing out there. Some listen, but most ignore you. "Can't reason with a rainstorm," Petrus laments after some time. "And we're needed elsewhere!"
You move on, worried that you've already taken too much time here. A woman catches your eye, amongst the crowds. Her gold cloak stands out. "Nid? you ask.

You realize that her eldest boy is missing, and can make a solid guess why.

Editor's Note: It's Eyvind and Juno, almost certainly.

She pushes past, having said her piece.

She stops mid-sentence. She looks down at her boys and her expression softens.

Nid pushes back the hair from her eyes, and follows you away from the docks.
...I forgot about that event. Poor Nid

There is no end to the problems, though. At this rate the city will eat itself before Ruin ever has a chance.

You assign three-man teams at key locations, to hold back the dredge as much as keep the townsfolk from trampling each other. Hopefully they survive to return to the caravan later...

So far, no major disasters. But now this.

And so we leave Petrus to an uncertain fate. We did say we'd trust him, and he said that we needed to deal with Rugga in order to stop any of this. So let's go do that.

What do you want, Rugga?

From what feels far away, bells toll above the din of the carnage outside.

You don't pull your punch. Rugga's head swings back as if on a hinge. He is no longer smiling.

It's time to deal with Rugga. The choices here lead to further branches, but this basically boils down to 3 things:
Do we:
A.) Negotiate with Rugga. He's untrustworthy and will almost certainly betray us when convenient. But in a city about to eat itself, if we can delay the betrayal, it might come at a less disastrous time.
B.) Walk away. We have a stalemate presently. His men can't get too violent lest Rugga die. Of course, if they manage to spring him then we're in trouble. He's only leverage for us while he's in our power, and we're about to go beyond the wall to fight Ruin.
C.) Kill him. Let his men come and riot. Rugga is an evil bastard, and letting him live one second longer just invites future trouble.